Meaningful Human Control: Actionable Properties for AI System Development L. Cavalcante Siebert, M. Lupetti, E. Aizenberg, N. Beckers, A. Zgonnikov, H. Veluwenkamp, D. Abbink, E. Giaccardi, G.J. Houben, C. Jonker, M. van den Hoven, D. Forster, R.L. Lagendijk in: AI & Ethics, Vol. 3, No. 1, p. 241-255, 2023, Springer.
Foreword from the Program Chairs L. Aroyo, C. Castillo, G.J. Houben in: ACM Web Conference 2023, Proceedings of the World Wide Web Conference, WWW 2023, p. XXXIV, 2023, ACM.
Managing Bias and Unfairness in Data For Decision Support: A Survey of Machine Learning and Data Engineering Approaches to Identify and Mitigate Bias and Unfairness within Data Management and Analytics Systems A. Balayn, C. Lofi, G.J. Houben in: The VLDB Journal, Vol. 30, p. 739-768, 2021, Springer.
Integrating Massive Data Streams G. Siachamis, G.J. Houben, A. van Deursen, A. Katsifodimos in: Proceedings of the VLDB 2021 PhD Workshop, 2021, Vol. 2971, CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
Interactive Data Discovery in Data Lakes A. Ionescu, A. Katsifodimos, G.J. Houben in: Proceedings of the VLDB 2021 PhD Workshop, 2021, Vol. 2971, CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
Visiting address:
Building 28
Room - 840 West 3rd floor
Van Mourik Broekmanweg 6
2628 XE Delft
The Netherlands